Rotary Family Health Day hedld at Buloba Kitaawuluzi Health Centre II

Rotary Club of Buloba carries out Rotary Family Health Day

By Rtn. Annette Miiro
Director PR
On Saturday December, 2, 2017, all roads led to Buloba Kitaawuluzi Health centre II. Young and old people from Buloba and the surrounding villages of Bulenga, Bbira, Temangalo among others, braved the morning and afternoon sun to go to the health centre to receive free treatment courtesy of the Rotary Club of Buloba.

community members waiting to receive treatmet
Pharmacists giving out drugs at Buloba
A total number of 500 People received treatment offered by professional doctors and health workers who some of whom were Rotarians. They offered services to young and old with a smile that brought about hope in the lives of the ailing people. The people were treated from diseases that included Malaria, coughs, dental, optical and other diseases. We also offered services that included blood donation, de-worming, immunization and polio vaccination among others.

A health officer ready for service at Bulob
On elderly lady could not hide her joy after she was given treatment of an irritating cough that she was suffering from for the past three weeks. In Luganda she prayed for rotarians and doctors to live forever. “Mukama yekka gwe mbasabira muwangaale. Mutuzadde ogw’okubiri” loosely translated as “May the Lord bless you and you live longer. You have given birth to us for a second time” she said as tears of joy flowed from her ageing eyes.

Director PR. Rtn. Annette congratulates  Rtn. Fred upon donating blood

The president of the rotary Club of Buloba Rtn. Samuel Mukasa said that this was another way of engaging with the community and making sure that the less privileged in society benefit from such services. He said that this will be an annual exercise in the area.

ACP Sam Mukasa, President of the club donating blood

Club Admin Rtn. Fred Musisi after donating blood

The club partnered with Mengo Hopital to carry out the treatment. We are so grateful for this partnership with Mengo Hospital and hope to continue doing so in the years to come.

Members of the Rotary club of Buloba pose for a photo after the Rotary Family Health Day at Buloba



  1. From rotaract club of mulago
    When is this year's rotary health day so that we come give a hand as medical studens
    We be grateful if I receive a response


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